Continuity of Operations Plan for COVID-19

Calverton Park Municipal Division 

21st Judicial Circuit Court 

52 Young Drive 

Calverton Park, MO. 63135 

Continuity of Operations Plan 


Court Sessions with the City of Calverton Park Municipal Division are Closed to the public by order of the 21stst Circuit Court of St. Louis County.

To attend Court virtually go to Click join meeting. You will be admitted to a virtual lobby. The Judge will admit you in joining order.

WEBEX ID: 968 920 485

If you do not have a computer or smart phone, call this number from your phone 1-408-418-9388.

Click here to go to


Social Distancing 

The number of people who will have access to court settings will be limited. Only those who  have business with the court will be allowed in the courtroom. 

The number of cases to be set on individual dockets will be limited to the number based on  expected appearance rates.  

Court dates assigned by police officers will be changed immediately upon reaching the target  number. The target number will be adjusted as needed. 

Additional dockets will be added as needed. 

On court nights, the following procedures will be initiated: 

  1. A site will be set up outside the court building manned by at least one police officer.  b. Each person desiring to enter the court will be asked the following questions: - Have you experienced a fever, have trouble breathing, persistent cough, body  aches, and/or loss of taste or smell within the last 24 hours? 

- Have you been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed, tested positive  or are under investigation for COVID-19? 

- Temperatures will be taken of everyone prior to entering the building. 

- If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions or the temperature of the  individual is above 100 degrees Fahrenheit the individual will be provided with a continuance  for their court date and will be sent home. 

  1. No one will be allowed to enter the building unless they are wearing a face mask.  d. A maximum of 10 people will be allowed to enter the building at one time,  maintaining social distancing. Names, license numbers, cellular telephone numbers and vehicle  description will be obtained from defendants who will be notified by telephone call, text  message, or in person when the court is prepared for them to enter. 
  2. Markings will be placed on the wall, floor, and other appropriate places a minimum of  six feet apart in various locations providing guides for proper social distancing. Court personnel/police officers will monitor all areas to insure that people are not congregating and  are maintaining social distancing while entering and exiting the building. 
  3. All court personnel, including the judge, will be in the courtroom behind plexiglass  windows (there are 3 of them) and all court business will be conducted at that location.  Defendants (no more than 10 at one time) will line up at that location, maintaining social  distancing, for pleas of guilty or not guilty, motions, sentencing and other court business, and  dealings with court clerk(s), each at separate windows. Trials, if any, will be conducted as usual  at the bench in the courtroom with social distancing observed. There will be no seating for 

defendants unless a defendant requires it, to reduce contact with chairs and other things in the  building and reduce the potential for contamination. 

  1. Defendants will enter the building at one location and exit through 

another location, thereby reducing contact between defendants and reducing the potential for  contamination.  

  1. All court personnel shall wear masks and gloves. 
  2. All of these procedures shall apply to attorneys as well as defendants.  

Attorneys who wish to see the prosecuting attorney will be seen in a different part of the  building but will be encouraged to use other methods as set out hereafter in “Alternate Means  for Court Operations”. 

Compliance with CDC and DPH directives 

In addition to all procedures set out above, Court personnel will constantly clean and disinfect  the office area. City maintenance workers shall clean and disinfect courtroom and other public  areas on an ongoing basis, and in particular on court nights, before, during, and after court  sessions. Hand sanitizer is available at all entrances. The city will provide facemasks and gloves  for all court employees, and face masks for defendants during court sessions if they do not have  their own, if available. 

Alternate means for Court Operations 

The Court and prosecutor’s office have reached out to attorneys with options for video and  telephone conferencing. Attorneys will be notified that motions to plea by mail will be granted  in most cases due to pandemic. The court is adding information to its website for pro se  defendants for email and phone communication. Prosecutors intend to be more aggressive in  promoting case disposition and encouraging attorneys to respond to and act on written  recommendations for case disposition by prosecutors. 

Notification to litigants of Court protocols 

The Court website will be updated with a separate page for court protocols. The continuity of  operation plan will be included on this page along with links to other information. There will be  prominent posting of signs setting out protocols. The media will be provided with court  protocols.